De zestienjarige Dolf uit Amstelveen geeft zich op als proefkonijn: hij zal door een materie-transmitter teruggeflitst worden naar de Middeleeuwen om daar één middag een kijkje te nemen. Maar door een foute berekening komt hij in het jaar 1212 terecht in een Kinderkruistocht die net uit Keulen is vertrokken en niet op het riddertoernooi in Montgivray in Midden-Frankrijk dat hij zo graag wilde bijwonen.
Verbijsterd ziet hij duizenden gelovige – en vooral goedgelovige – kinderen, aan wie wonderen zijn beloofd, zingend aan hem voorbijtrekken. Zij zijn van plan met hun blote handen het Heilige Land van de Saracenen te bevrijden.
Om vijf uur diezelfde middag moet Dolf weer op de afgesproken plek staan om teruggeflitst te worden naar de twintigste eeuw – tenminste, als er niets fout gaat…
Lengte: 11 uur 26 minuten
Title | : | Kruistocht in spijkerbroek |
Edition Language | : | Dutch |
ISBN | : | 9789060691670 |
Format Type | : |
I was so taken by this book when I read this as a child. Saw myself going back in time to join the crusade! One of my best reads when I was a kid, so impressed by this story......
Going to school as a child, we had to read this book, it is required reading here. I didn't remember the story though, but I really enjoyed reading it now as a grown up. The story is great with lots o...
I am not sure I have the words to adequately describe how much I've loved this book and still love this book. My 4th grade teacher started reading this to our class back in '78 or so. About two chapte...
This ended up being a very satisfying read. I’m sure if I’d read this at age 10, it would have been a 5 star book for me. I would have particularly enjoyed the episodic adventures of Dolf and the ...
After rather totally stalling and generally feeling mostly massively annoyed with the narrative flow of the anonymous English language translation of Thea Beckman's 1973 time travel novel Kruistocht i...
3 starsNicely read by Menno (4 stars). This was a book of opposites. Sometimes it was a bit childish, but other passages/details were very (too?) macabre. The story has its engrossing moments but on t...
This is probably the first young adult book I ever read and I loved it! We even read it for school too and had to compare the book to the movie, AND I went to see the musical with my mum (the songs ar...
Originally published in 1973, as Kruistocht in spijkerbroek, this classic Dutch children's novel follows the story of Rudolph Hefting, a twentieth-century boy who finds himself transported back in tim...
How lovely it was to revisit a childhood story! I love history, but somehow it wasn't the class I got the best grades in. I think it's more the stories that interest me! Like Crusade in Jeans (or K...
My Dutch friends were displeased I didn't enjoy this more. Part of it may be due to the fact that this is a translation. I also tried to take into consideration that this is a children's book publishe...